LCC 3401 Portfolio

Welcome to my portfolio. Here, you can see the various projects I worked on individually and with groups in LCC 3401. It has been a great experience and I learned a lot throughout this semester. This class aims at developing communication skills and introducing different types of documents that are required by the professional world. All those skills and abilities can be summed up in the word WOVEN: W-written, O-oral, V-verbal, E-electronic and N-non-verbal. This portfolio will reflect my mastery at the WOVEN skills and some of my other credentials. Feel free to explore my work and you can contact me at for any questions or comments you may have.

This is a skill that everyone will use in their professional lives in some form. It can be an email, a memo, letter, paper, report, etc. To master this skill, one needs to be good at grammar, style and content. Streaming Video Critique is a great example of my written communication skills. This document analyzes various videos from YouTube and other sources in a very organized manner and enables the user to easily understand whether a specific video was able to effectively communicate its message or not. 
Another good example to demonstrate my written skills would be the assignment where we as a group, created a step-by-step instructions manual on how to install a Wooden Spring Floor. This document also makes use of visual communication as it has images to describe the equipment needed.  
Recently, our table group finished working on a Business Recommendation Report for a client. This report is a great example to exemplify the importance of structure, grammar and content required by the business community.

Oral communication is another key skill required to be successful in an professional environment. Some forms of oral communication are business presentations, meetings, conversations, music, etc. To master this skill, one needs to be good at effectively communicating to others through a clear and audible voice, appropriate hand gestures and a confident body posture. This semester, I had given a short presentation on Personal Blogs where I spoke about its usage, advantages and disadvantages. In this presentation, I used effective oral techniques to get my message across, along with visual and non-verbal communication tools.
Recently, I made a poster presentation on S-Video. Here I gave my spiel on S-Video technology, its usage and the newer technology that has replaced S-Video in the recent days. Again, with the use of effective visual and oral communication, I was able to attract the attention of many people.

Visual communication skill for me is conveying the message with only the use of images, text, video, graphics; anything that could be understood better by the sense of sight. This is a very useful skill as many people are visual learners. Using visual tools alongside spoken words also helps as it enables the listener to relate to and remember things better.  
This semester, I created three Public Service Announcements (PSA) for Science, Technology and Culture Program (STAC), Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) and LCC (credits). Using effective visuals like images, texts and appropriate animation, these PSAs will attract not only attract its target audience but will also give them important information regarding those specific programs. Here are the links for the three PSAs: STAC, UROP, Credits.
Note: To see the animation, please download the file from the above links.

Electronic communication deals with anything that makes use of technology to communicate effectively. This implies that this portfolio itself is an example of electronic communication as I am using a blog to get my experience and credentials across. Using e-mails, Microsoft office, Adobe Acrobat files, etc are forms of electronic communication. Interestingly, written and visual communication is a major portion of electronic communication and therefore, those skills need to be mastered to be good with electronic communication. Here is the link to this portfolio. All the assignments and projects listed in this portfolio can also be considered to be good examples of electronic communication.

This skill requires communicating through body language and through visuals. In this class, I dressed professionally for presentations; with appropriate posture and confident body language, the message the audience would get is that 'it's all about business.' Unnecessary hand gestures may be distracting and may make the speaker seem nervous. Also a good smile  will make the speaker look excited and interested while sending good vibes to the audience. Below you can see three different pictures of me expressing professionalism, interest and positive attitude.


Another example of non-verbal communication is the Document Design assignment that I worked on. In this assignment, I made my document look like the Times of India newspaper (online edition). In this document you will see that the font and styling used expresses professionalism, clarity and ingenuity.  

To view my resume, please click here

For more information on LCC 3401, go to

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